Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Wilson: Last week I wrote about the Scripps newspaper endorsements. Larry Reisman contacted me over the weekend and took exception to my conclusions.

On Sunday Scripps ran a story reviewing their endorsements and in all fairness there was one race, Commission District three in St. Lucie County that I missed. In that race the News Tribune endorsed the Republican instead of the incumbent Democrat. When I make a mistake I appreciate having it pointed out and unlike others who blog I want to correct it. My apologies to Mr. Reisman and the Press Journal for the error.

So here is a revised review of last week.

My premise was that in truly contested races, Scripps has a substantial bias towards Democrats and incumbents and that they were Bipolar like when they use the term experience a lot when it suites them but experience doesn't count for say Republican Bill Posey. They use honesty and integrity but it doesn't count with say Democrat Chris, arrested for theft, Dzadovsky or Democrat Joe, wedding paid by public funds, Smith, or possibly Democrat Pat, arrested for assaulting a police officer, Murphy.

My conclusion was that I would more rely on the information I get from party affiliation than from a newspaper where bias is so evident.

The key point was COMPETITIVE, LOCAL races. Yes the Press Journal endorsed Carole Jean Jordan but that is not a competitive race any more than Rosanne Barr on the Presidential ballot makes it competitive between Obama, Romney and Barr. Same with Joe Negron.

I also did not count state Senate races that are largely out of the community or non partisan races where party is not a factor for the general public. Sure if you add in all these races it looks better for Scripps but that's not the point. The point is when push comes to shove in local races that are truly races Scripps local editorial board leans Anti- Republican and Pro-incumbent.

Here are the results. See for yourself.

Incumbents in all races including City Councils: 10 of 14. Exceptions, Nelson Ft. Pierce City Council, Lewis St. Lucie Commission, Bowen PSL City Council, Posey Congress, West unannounced.

Democrat Incumbents in competitive races endorsed 3 of 4: Dzadovsky, Smith, Walker, exception Swanson.

Republican Incumbents in competitive races endorsed 0 of 2: against Posey, West undecided.

Open Seats: Republicans endorsed 1 of 3: Republican Hopkins other Donadio, Lee.

No Party Aff. endorsed: 2 of 2: Donadio,Gilmore (Jordan and Scott not competitive.)


Editorial Support For Republicans: 2 of 9
Editorial Support of Democrats or NPA: 6 of 7
Editorial Support of NPA against Republicans: 2 of 2
Editorial Support of Incumbents: 10 of 14 one unannounced.

In fairness in the Senate races that include parts of the Treasure Coast Negron, Grimsley, and Altman are all Republicans but that is a different editorial board then we have for local races. That larger Board is also why we have so many judges from Stuart.

The editorials have not been published for West, Nelson and Obama so are not included. It would seem that the local Scripps heavily support all three Democrats but they will not make the final decision alone in these races so It would not surprise me to see a surprise Republican endorsement for at least one Republican. If included the total would be 9 of 10 Democrats received endorsements. If you include out of area Senate it would be 9 of 13. So it is either 70% as Press Journal sees it or 90% as I see it endorsement if you are a Democrat and 71% if you are an incumbent.

Bias. Absolutely!

Wheeler and Wilson will have an additional post for Friday including predictions and a discussion of widespread election misdeeds at the polls. It is a new day for voter intimidation. Where has the press been?

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