Friday, October 26, 2012

Party Politics

Wilson: Party politics played an important role in this election cycle. Some have questioned party and cast a negative light on party affiliation. The Vero Press Journal has been especially hostile to the idea that Party’s matter.
I couldn’t disagree more. Go to a Republican meeting and a Democrat meeting and you will see that there are major differences. Differences that matter.
Party affiliation tells you something about a person and it should tell you a lot about candidates. The problem is when candidates pretend to be something they are not. In this local election there have been two major cases of pretending. Jay Kramer pretending to be for the Sale of Vero Election and Tony Donadio pretending to be a Republican.
On October 7, 2012 my good friend Larry Reisman published an editorial about the Press Journal’s editorial process. Larry contends the he and his fellow “newspaperites” are the only ones with enough insight to advise voters what they should do. Since Larry and my other good friend Russ Lemmon have no party loyalty of their own, do not attend Party events or volunteer their time and money they have no way of knowing how important we feel our efforts on behalf of our party are to our Country and our Community.
I decided to look at the Press Journal’s editorial history.
To most of us we read the PJ editorials and are struck with their schizophrenic thought process. I think of them as the Sybil News with both Bipolar and multi personality disorder. For one candidate they endorse based on their integrity. The next day they endorse candidates with arrest records.
In this cycle the Press Journal endorsements had these interesting tidbits.
1.       Endorsed 100% of Democrat Incumbents
2.       Endorsed no Republican Incumbents except two who had only token opposition.
3.       Endorsed three challengers against Republican Incumbents
4.       Endorsed no challengers against Democrat incumbents.
5.       Endorsed three Democrats with criminal or ethics charges past or pending.
6.       If you were Black you were endorsed 50% of the time, unless you were also Republican
7.       The Press Journal endorsed more No Party Affiliation candidates than contested Republicans
8.       In competitive open seats the Press Journal endorsed Democrats and NPA candidates two to one over Republicans.
9.       In City Elections, endorsed incumbents in all but two cases. (Sessions in Ft. Pierce and very telling Turner in Vero)
10.   Recommended against all Republican sponsored Constitutional Amendments.
Personally, I think I will stick with my Republican Party affiliation.  Interestingly, a majority of endorsements made by the Press Journal were for people the P.J. had previously rejected. They were against them before they were for them. In other words, many of the incumbents endorsed by the PJ would never have been incumbents if people followed the Press Journals recommendations.
So if you are thinking about running for office and you want the Press Journals endorsement do this:
1.       Above all be a Democrat. Even if you have or are in the process of being convicted of a crime be a Democrat and you will be supported by the Press Journal.  Race and gender do not matter as long as you are a Democrat. If you can’t be a Democrat incumbent be anyone against a Republican. Your chances? In 2012 in all races in Indian River, St. Lucie and Martin Counties only one Republican in a competitive race was endorsed. (Hopkins)
2.       If you must be a Republican, make sure you have no or only token opposition. Even then you only have a 50-50 chance. (Posey/Zorc)
3.       If you are an incumbent make sure you have not accomplished anything. If you have, forget about it. (Pilar Turner).
4.       Make sure you agree with the PJ’s issue of the day, Growth, Charter Government, Referendum (Kramer, Heady etc.)

Summary. To my good friend Larry Reisman. I appreciate your efforts in vetting political issues but until your perspective, is more even handed, more consistent and you stop getting awards from Media Matters and George Sorus I will keep trusting my party affiliation over your newspaper.
By the way. The Press Journals success rate in truly contested races…less than 50%.

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