Friday, October 12, 2012

25 days left

Gary Wheeler:

Information presented at the Republican Executive Committee should convince all Republicans that they may be victims of a scam. I have been a solid Republican throughout my 22 years in elected office but party has not been the only factor when it comes to supporting someone. Integrity and Character are more important to me than party.

I have been acquainted with Tony Donadio for many years and like many others find him to be very personable. However, recent campaign tactics used in the Donadio campaign force me to question whether Mr. Donadio is being completely honest with the voters.

Consider these items:

The Donadio campaign has sent two identical glossy postcards. One to Republicans with the headline "A CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN FOR COUNTY COMMISSION", and one to Democrats that delete reference to Conservative Republican and insert the headline "AN INDEPENDENT THINKER FOR COUNTY COMMISSION".

This seems deceitful to me. If you are going to be a County Commissioner you need to be straight with voters about who you are. If you are a conservative Republican fine but don't pretend to be a Republican with Republicans and then pretend not to be a Republican when you are with Democrats.

It also bothers me that Mr. Donadio was a guest of the Democrat Party at their monthly "Dining With Democrats" for what was billed as "Meet Tony Donadio night. Vero 32963 reported that when asked why he changed his registration from a lifelong Democrat to Republican to run for office Donadio responded "That's a good question". Democrat leaders were quoted as saying that Donadio had to change registration because "It's hard to get elected as a Democrat in Indian River County." Democrat leaders went on to say that "In his heart we know he is a Democrat". If elected he can change back the next day.

My advice to Tony is that you have core values and not try to be everything to everyone. I think the flyer designed by his campaign handlers was disingenuousness. Which Tony Donadio am I talking with? I suspect that Mr. Donadio didn't think of this ruse himself but at the bottom is says "paid for and APPROVED by Donadio for Commission and that makes it his responsibility.

Charlie Wilson:

As many of you know Mr. Donadio was recruited to run against the real Republican, Tim Zorc by developer Chuck Mechling. Donadio, however, was not Mechling's first choice. Mechling, driven by what appears to be a personal business vendetta, also tried to recruit several others including Vice Mayor Craig Fletcher, Banker Chris Bieber and R.E.C. Vice Chairman Vince Celano. Mechling even tried to persuade Bill McMullen to withdraw from the Sheriffs race to run for Commission against Zorc.

Republicans should be concerned that Donadio supported Democrats in primary elections since 1994 including the 2008 Presidential Preference Primary voting for Mr. Obama or Hillary Clinton.

As Gary Wheeler points out Donadio's campaign should cause concern for Real Republicans but Zorc is not alone. The Democrat party has issued a sample ballot endorsing Democrats, opposing all amendments, supporting all liberal Florida Supreme Court Candidates and endorsing two Republicans, Barry Barnard for Tax Collector against Real Republican Carole Jean Jordan and Janace Broda against Scott Stradley, also a Republican.

Donadio also supported union favorite Dick Gephardt for President with contributions of $500 and $250 for his Congressional Campaign.

I don't know any "Conservative Republican" anywhere that supports Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton or Dick Gephardt. Do You?

City Council

City Council candidates are clear in their positions. Turner, Fletcher and Stump are for the sale, Thomas and Kramer will Kill the sale, with Brian Heady as the wildcard.
Karen Kozdra gets a point for courage by participating at the Taxpayers debate.


More talk about the referendum and the Press Journal once again proves themselves to be single issue and simplistic about their endorsements. No one has worked harder or accomplished more for the City than Pilar Turner but did not get P.J. approval because if she didn't agree to have a referendum the P.J. wants her out. There is no consistency in the P.J. Because there is no core value in the P.J.

Two items that have not been discussed.

The band of negatives keep asking for a plan. Well what is your plan. I want a plan from the Kill the Sale crowd that outlines how we are going to survive as a City with $3,000,000 a year to make up the pension deficit that past Councils have run up with generous benefits and salaries.

How are they going to make up the $700,000 a year we add to our pension debt every year by pretending we are going to make 7.5% when we make one or two percent.

How are we going to continue to provide service when the City employed 500 people out of a population of less than 15,000. In case your math is rusty that's 1 out of every 30 people work for the City.

What is the City going to do when 60% of the customers who live in the County demand that the public service commission let them out of Vero Electric and costs stay the same leaving City residents paying astronomical prices for power and no way out of an unregulated monopoly.

What is the City going to do when repairs and upgrades are needed to the plant which is 1/2 a CENTURY old. The last time it was needed we had to borrow $50,000,000.

2. What is the true cost of a referendum?

Cost of a referendum has been estimated at about $30,000. But that is just the tip of the iceberg. Add the additional cost of higher prices during the delay that a referendum is sure to cause. 6 months x 2 million a month, $12,000,000.

It's like buying a house and the seller says "buyer you met our asking price and all the requirements we asked for. Now we want you to spend the next year making repairs, making additions, spending millions on engineering, attorneys, and planning. Get us out of all our bills and obligations. Once you have done that we will have a family meeting and vote if we really want to go through with the sale or not."

Everything will stop! And that leads to the largest expense of all. The risk of losing this once in a lifetime opportunity to secure the financial future of our beautiful town.

If we need to have a referendum we will. If voters want another referendum there is a way to have one but those who clammer for a referendum without considering the cost in the millions not the thousands as a ruse to kill the sale are acting irresponsibly and are doing the citizens no favors.

Messing up this sale will make the mistakes of the past such as refusing the Marriott, denying the Gloria Estafan benefit concert, and the OUC Vitunac 20 million dollar penalty look like chump change.

1 comment:

  1. First, the cost of a referendum is more like $20,000, not $30,000. Second, the rate differential today is closer to $1.6 million a month, not $2 million, and will be less next year if and when FPL's requested base rate increases go into effect. Third, there is no reason why a referendum should delay the sale, especially of you and other stop resisting it. Finally, Craig Fletcher has committed to holding a referendum once all the contract provisions are known. Are you going to have your signs reprinted?
