Friday, November 2, 2012


First, I am the worst predictor of elections in the world. I tend to be pessimistic to the
point of near depression in the days leading up to election day. I keeps me working to the
last hour for the last vote. But here goes.

Zorc  58%                  Jordan 67%
Donadio  42%            Bernard 33%

City Council

Nick Thomas and Karen Kozdra will not win.


Obama (unfortunately)


Nelson (unfortunately)


West and Posey

New At the Polls

Something new at the polls this year. In both Indian River and St. Lucie a new day. Early
voting sites are being invaded by union thugs from non battle ground states to disrupt
early voting. The library was covered by a union guy from Vermont. He told other sign
holders that he was sent here from Vermont by the Obama campaign with all expenses
paid to hold signs.

In St. Lucie County two "gentlemen" arrived. They said they were from the union in
Wisconsin. One "gentleman" began yelling at voters including two young teenage women
holding signs for Allen West. He was so obnoxious that people who were going to vote
for Obama came out and said they had changed their minds and voted against Obama as a
result of his behavior. Gives us an idea of what was happening in Wisconsin. Eventually
he was given a trespass warning and asked to leave by the Sheriff's office.

Newspapers and the Polls

Thank God we live in Indian River County.

St. Lucie has a Supervisor of Elections who has been in office for more than 20 years.
She is a wonderful lady but in this election she has definitely dropped the ball. There are
so many voting irregularities going on it is truly sad.

At one location Neil Hurston Library local political activists are handing out cards telling
people how to vote. They are leading people to believe that they are poll officials and
soliciting people to sign an affidavit which allows them to fill out multiple ballots.

All of this in plain view of election officials. Requests from poll watchers have been
ignored. Election laws of every kind are being violated at will. Local activists have the
run of the place going in and out of early locations even though they either have already
voted or are not entitled to vote. The sheriff has made multiple visits only to have the
activity resume as soon as the patrol car leaves the parking lot.

In the primary at this location votes tabulated were 613 Democrats to 7 Republicans.
In the general with the additional turnout expected this location will pad Democrat
candidates with at least a 1,500 vote advantage. Local elections will be at least affected if
not outright stolen.

This shows the power of a Supervisor of Elections and why Indian River County is
fortunate. The very selection of the site is pure voter suppression. 60% of the voters
are located far away from early locations but two locations favoring the black voter
Democrat base are less than two miles apart. If you are a white voter from Ft. Pierce the
early voting location might as well be on Mars. It would be like placing the Indian River
early voting location at the Johns Island Clubhouse.

Lawyers from the Romney campaign and the West campaign are watching the issue.
If Florida is close watch for St. Lucie County to be the epicenter of a recount and
widespread voter fraud.

What is sadder still is that the Newspaper has been aware of this for more than a month.
They could have used their position as watchdog to work to ensure a fair election. They
did nothing before the election and they are doing nothing now. They have refused to do
investigative stories or editorialize about the problem.

How about sending someone over there as a voter and see for themselves? No says the
News Tribune. We will only act if an official complaint is filed.

Dear Scripps. You have forever lost the high ground on the subjects of honest elections
and unbiased reporting.

Wheeler: Z-62%.  Jordon 67%

I pray BO loses and Romney wins nationwide but I predict Romney will win FL by 53%  & IRC by 70%


  1. Wilson I hope you are wrong about Obama. It will be hell if he wins for conservative values.

  2. Random thought. Why is it that in a county that is 70% republican, which by all definitions a probusiness and antiregulation party, so difficult for a small business to start up and succeed. Ask anyone who has owned their own business or tried to develope property or propose a new business model, and they will tell you that the regulatory road blocks are extremely oppressive. I don't see any connection between the presidency and that very real roadblock to financial success in our community.
