Friday, July 13, 2012


Wilson: The first of the Press Journal political endorsements are out. The PJ, as expected, endorsed Leslie Swan as they have endorsed Kay Clem in every previous election. No one really knows how much weight a PJ endorsement carries. Last time I gave a friend of mine a sealed envelope containing the Press Journal selections. I was right every time.

Having been through the process many times I have come to get a sense of how the decisions are made. Here's basically how it goes.

1. Unless a compelling reason exists, endorse the incumbent who will likely win with or without PJ approval. They usually cite "experience" as the reason when they can't think of anything else. So what are the compelling reasons? First is growth. The P.J. is really a single issue publication and the issue is growth. The PJ has been the Indian River Neighborhood Associations best friend. They will support conservative Republicans and candidates who are pro business only when they are incumbents...see rule 1.

2. Don't rock the boat. PJ editors want people who do not make trouble. Conflict is a red flag and anyone who takes on powerful special interests need not apply for PJ endorsement. They call this "critical thinking".

3. But the biggest thing to watch for is all the rules and positions are just there to provide a reason not to endorse. All rules are flexible depending on the outcome wanted. In the case of Swan vs. Harpring for example they say Harpring is too politically involved but Clem and Carole Jean Jordan will be endorsed despite their political involvement.

They ask about their relationships with Joe Paladin but endorse those he influences most.

Another example is the rule not to allow interviews to people who do not answer their questions. Yet they still interview Bea Gardner despite her refusal to answer.

4. The PJ picks one race to provide surprise. Each year the PJ picks someone who runs against the grain. This makes it look like they are really looking at peoples positions.

In reality it is personality that drives the PJ endorsements not policy. If you want the Press Journals nod learn all the words to Kumbayah, tell them you worship anything green except profit, your favorite person in public life is Bob Keating since no one can kill business better than Bob Keating, tell them what a wonderful job staff is doing, and most of all do not say anything bad about your opponent even if he is Ira Hatch running for Tax Collector.

Just for fun I am going to give Gary Wheeler ( alias Newman ) an envelope with the PJ's future endorsements. We'll see how right I am. By the way. I was watching Will Smith in "I Am Legend" last night and started to laugh. The movie has Smith and a bunch of man eating zombies living in New York. I visualized the PJ endorsement if it were Wilson vs Zombie. It started "Why we endorse the Zombies".

Wheeler: Not being Clairvoyant, or rumor has it or ear to the ground or even a crystal ball I don't have much of a comment on Charlie's take on the PJ endorsement policies.  Although I might add that when Charlie disagrees with someone he tends to believe that there is a conspiracy in the works.

How ever I would agree with the endorsement of LESLIE SWAN by the PJ, I believe she as done and exceptional and an out standing job as Supervisor of Elections.
Leslie Swans Accomplishments:

Current budget is 12.6% less than four years ago leading up to a Presidential election

Staff has been cut by 45% since last Presidential election (11-6 full-time employees)

Proposed budget for 2012 – 2013 includes 9.3% decrease

Current Budget
1.      Consolidated polling locations from 35 to 22 – saving $122,000
2.      Contracted with vendor to process absentee ballots – saving $3,800 temporary help
3.      Implemented rotating work shifts for early voting workers – saving $10,500 in overtime cost
4.      Reduced  printing costs for in-office voter information cards from $0.42 to $0.21 – saving $2,100
5.      Utilize seasonal employee for warehouse manager position – saving $27,317 and no benefits
6.      Reduced National Change of Address processing cost by 62%
7.      Eliminated Assistant Supervisor of Elections position, added new position – saving $27,000
8.      Partnered with Sheriff's Inmate Vocation print shop to print stationary & poll worker manuals – saving $1,000
9.      Utilize email for poll worker communication vs US Post Office – saving $1,400
10.  Candidate correspondence provided on disk vs paper copies – saving $200
11.  Voluntarily cut salary by 5% - saving$4,900
12.  Voluntarily declined health insurance benefit – saving $9,000
13.  Returned accumulated 122 hours of vacation & sick time to BCC – saving $4,500
14.  Eliminated car allowance & cell phone allowance – in the past amounted to $4,000
15.  Cancelled 5 Internet air cards – saving $500
16.  De-activated several polling location cell phones and negotiated lower rates – saving $240
17.  Reduced law enforcement costs for election activities  – saving $2,900
18.  Reduced court reporting fees for elections activities by utilizing recording device – saving $3,000
19.  Reduced cost of ADA surveys for polling sites – savings $2,000
20.  Successfully organized the decennial redistricting process and reduced the number of voting precincts from 54 to 37 – saving thousands of dollars by partnering with the county.   


1.      Modernized Website
2.      Added social media (facebook & twitter)
3.      Negotiated Municipal Elections Contracted
4.      Implemented an Election Day Communication Center
5.      Installed a Back-Up Storage Server in the Emergency Operations Center
6.      Deployed Results Runners resulting in results reporting in record time
7.      Implemented unprecedented voter outreach program with 90 voter registration drives in 11 months
8.      Introduced innovative “Ride and Register Program” registering voters on the GoLine public transportation
9.      Introduced Address Points ID System to precisely identify residential addresses.  First county in Florida to utilize this state of the art identification system
10.  Utilize QR tags on voter information materials
11.  Cross trained employees
12.  Implemented electronic filings system for felon removal from voter rolls
13.  Redistricting countywide mailing of voter cards utilized 2 voter cards per mailing (when possible) saving $12,000 in postage and $6,300 in printing     

 All of this in 16 months...........

I await the envelope from Charlie (Eddie Haskell) to find out how accurate his crystal ball is. 

I prefer “THE BEAVER” to Newman.

1 comment:

  1. I see where Russ Lemmon switched parties to vote in two of the primary races. That shows you how serious these races are.
