Friday, July 27, 2012

Crazy times

Wilson: Eight Wheeler Doughnuts while I'm waiting for Bea Gardner to admit that she is really  Danny DeVito’s twin sister.

Crazy Time

This is the beginning of crazy time in politics. The last 20 days when everyone that pretended to abhor negative politics goes negative. It started with the Wheeler endorsement of Daryl Loar over Bill McMullen's flyer. Then it was Sandi Harpring's expose' about ballot issues. Followed by Larry Reisman's editorial about letting newspaper editors chose candidates instead of political parties. That set off more than 100 posts on TCPoop as Mark Mucher calls the TCPalm Blogs.

Tim Zorc's campaign has attempted to stay above the fray as has the Lowther/Jordan campaigns, at least so far. We'll see if it holds. I doubt it since Bea Gardner is involved. Remember she refers to highly qualified women in politics like Pilar Turner as "clucking hens", council members as "headless" and innocent citizens as "morons". More than negative, Gardner is the local political version of the "Queen of Mean".

State Committeeman

There is one little known campaign that is quietly fighting a blood and guts battle below the radar. Vinny Celano, the vice chairman of the Indian River County Republican Executive Committee, is being challenged by Jay Kramer, a relative new comer to Indian River Republican Politics but former Mayor of Vero Beach. They are running for Republican Committeeman. Reminds me of the Movie "Avatar". Kramer is being put up by Republican State Committeewoman and powerful supporter Elly Manov. Celano supported by other top Republican officials.

If it were an election decided by past performance in party politics Celano would be the odds on favorite but in the little known race, name recognition is everything. Kramer has had plenty of recognition as the leader of the "Don't Sell" Vero Electric movement along with his biggest ally, Bea Gardner. I have nothing personal against Jay Kramer but I like Vinny Celano in this race.

Don't cross the Lemmon

Has anyone noticed that Carole Jean Jordan's new campaign signs have deleted the words re-elect? Lesson number one in local politics...Don't cross the Lemmon.

Baird Strikes Again

The Bob Soos Show had a segment with Joe Baird this Thursday on the subject of Open Permits. (Unclosed building permits.) Baird said he has discovered the problem. Actually, he has been actively ensuring that the problem not be solved but now pretends to be on top of the issue. How long is the County Commission going to put up with Joe Baird?

Wheeler Residency

I saw Dian George the other day. I asked her if she has had a chance to break into Gary Wheelers house to take inventory and see if he turned his refrigerator off while he is on vacation in Tennessee. It's been done me. No answer yet from George.

School Budget

Also on the Soos Morning Magazine. Board Chair Jeff Pegler was surprised few citizens showed up for budget discussions. Says they must not care. Answer. It's not that no one cares we know that no one listens. People have simply given up on elected officials. When an elected body takes all their direction from an entrenched staff that receive only token oversight by an elected body why bother to come to a public hearing?

Wilson on Soos

I have been invited to be a regular on the Bob Soos show at 8:35 on Tuesdays. I will start on July 31st. With Wheeler, Baird and the Indian River Neighborhood Association on air weekly I will have my hands full. Thanks to Bob Soos. Boy hasn't he been a terrific addition to our community. Big thanks to Jim Davis and WTTB1490 for hiring him.

Tea Party Forum

Rose Wilson's letter to the editor denouncing Toby Hill has touched off a fire storm. Leaders of the Tea Party are clearly supporting former Democrat Tony Donadio in the general election and I can see why Ms. Wilson might be concerned but for the record I believe the Tea Party forum was well organized and fairly moderated.

Gotta go. Have a call from Danny DeVito and he sounds pissed.

Wheeler: Donuts are sweeter than Lemon drops! 
to Tim Zorc for staying above the fray & telling people who he is and what he stands for and not pointing out his opponent's SHORT-comings!
Also to Carol Jean Jordon for staying positive & consistent, efficient just the way she runs her office. Vinnie Celano for State Committeeman has also remained positive & consistent With his leadership as Vice Chairman with the Republican Executive Committee That's why Donna & I are voting for, Vinnie Celano, Carole Jean Jordan, Tim Zorc, Leslie Swan, Bon Solari all conservative Republicans!
Charlie, about your comments about Joe Baird, I need to quote President Reagan "there you go again"
P.S. refrigerator is still on AND I've lived there longer than a year!

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