Friday, September 7, 2012

Fort Pierce commissioners choose Bradshaw as city manager.

Wheeler: As far as commenting of the Vero Beach City Elections, I just have to ask myself two questions.  1. Why so much interest there and so LITTLE for the Indian River County Commission?  2. Why isn't Bea Gardner running for City Council? Oh yea, I forgot she doesn't live in the City of Vero Beach. 
If the city has another referendum I would hope that the 60% customer base that lives outside the City would be able to vote also. 
They pay a lot of the bills for the City with the higher electric rates and receive none of the benefits.  There is the argument that FPL customers have no say in that electric company either, but that is false.  You have the right to buy stock and share in the risk and the profit.  That’s the American way or at least it used to be before governments started trying to protect all of us from ourselves.  Oh but I digress.  Sorry.  As Rhett Palmer's song says "I'm so sick of Politics".

Wilson:If you thought politics was rough in Indian River take a look at Ft. Pierce. Here are some exerts from blog post after former Indian River Shores City manager Robert Bradshaw received the support of the three white Commissioners over the objection of the two black Commissioners.

01MAYOR writes: Look at all the crime we have in the black community it is beacuse we are being oppressed in this town.We can never win one vote to favor the black community for anything we need or want,we are oppressed people having oppressed children they grow up as a product of oppression and they do what they are design and programed to do "Genocide" the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group
Concerned Citizens United will stand up for the black Community and any other community that is being disadvantage. Signed, Chris Williams

01MAYOR writes: We need another black commissioner in fort pierce we are disadvantage everywhere we turne.This is chris Williams for all who may be wondering now im using the race card because thats what it is.We will see what the feds think about the racist bastards downtown.
Concerned Citizens United will fight to create another black commissoner's seat in dist. 1, because the dist. is to big frist of all for just two. We already have a foothold with the gangs in the street we go out and try to mentor them by trying to get them out of the gangs when nobody else has the balls to do it.We are talking with the feds about the race problem we have in the city of fort pierce.just be on the look out city hall beware!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Christophe r Williams






Or My Favorite!

01MAYOR writes: It Ain't no fun when the rabbits got the gun.
Note: Chris Williams ran for Mayor of Ft. Pierce in the August primary. Makes Vero Beach look pretty tame doesn't it?

Round Up the Usual Suspects! You can count on them like clockwork. A well known parade. Bea Gardner, Honey Minuse, The Indian River Neighborhood Association, Unions, here's your sign Ken Daige. It's A revival of Charter Government, referendum on anything they don't agree on. How does the small minority keep the overwhelming majority from moving forward? Keep demanding another vote and wish for a different outcome. Enough Already!
Vero Beach Filing Deadline Approaches.
Speaking of Vero City Council. Today at 5 was the filing deadline for City candidates for the November election. Qualified are in the order that was given to me via email from Tammy Vock:  Craig Fletcher, Brian Heady, Pilar Turner, Dan Stump, Karen Kozdra, Jay Kramer& Nick Thomas. 

1 comment:

  1. Ye gads! Chris Williams can't spell and is obviously out of control, and he wants to be city manager? Where are the mothers and fathers of these street gang children? They should be arrested for neglect.
