Friday, September 28, 2012

Let's make this perfectly clear

Red or Blue
Wilson: There has been a lot of talk about another referendum for the sale of Vero Electric. Supporters of a referendum are basically in three camps. 
The first are those who think voting is good and people should be able to vote on everything. It was the same argument the IRNA used to support Charter government.
The other are those who think we have to have a referendum either required by law or that people were promised a referendum and not having one would be breaking a promise.
The largest group, however, are those who just want to find a way, any way, to kill a sale. They appeal to the other two groups in a disingenuous attempt to play on their sense of civic duty by fear mongering to fool them into falling for their fake "civic" effort. They often say that the people working for a sale and rate relief for thousands are attempting to "dismantle the City Brick by Brick". Never mind that there is no one and I mean no one who wants to give the City to Joe Baird.
At the last City Council you could see it clear as day as desperation sets in for the tin foil hat crowd.
Ken Daige got up to lecture the Council about the need for a referendum until it was pointed out that he, Ken Daige, refused to allow a referendum on the same subject when he was on the Council. Oops!
Daige was followed by Honey Minuse who having lost every other argument said "I am a nurse" and people will die due to the massively frequent power outages of FPL. Really Honey? Why aren't the millions of FPL customers up in arms in other Counties?
Then it was Brian Carmen from the Indian River Neighborhood Association. The IRNA has no position", Carmen said with a wink and a nod to Honey Minuse executive Board Member of the Indian River Neighborhood Association. We do support another referendum", Carmen continued.
Tracy Carroll then asked "Who decided that you were in favor of a referendum?" Did you have a referendum on whether you were for a referendum? " How we make decisions is none of your concern" Carmen crisply replied as he retreated back to his seat.
Here's the bottom line. If we need to have a referendum we will have one. If not legally required but a majority feels like it is needed for a clear direction then we have to decide
1. When to vote. Now or later. If we vote now I will guarantee that the same people will demand another and another and another as every major step is completed.
2. Who to vote. City residents, city and county, electric customers, business customers, city residents who pay taxes and electric but are not registered, people who rent as well as own? Remember the electric utility is largely financed by revenue bonds not tax money.
I believe that this City Council election provides an opportunity for absolute clarity. No referendum language can be as clear as this election. 
At the last Republican Club meeting candidates were given the opportunity to select from two signs. Red or Blue. Here they are.

So here is your referendum. If you want a sale vote for the red team of Pilar Turner, Craig Fletcher and Dan Stump. If you want to Kill the sale vote for the Blue team of Jay Kramer and Nick Thomas.
Clear as Day.

Tea Party
I spoke to a number of people who are largely responsible for the impressive success of the Indian River Tea Party. Paul Tanner and John Marr particularly.
Both are men for whom I have the highest regard and who's integrity is beyond question. They made it clear in no uncertain terms that the Tea Party organization has no candidate in the County Commission race district three.
There has been some confusion on the matter with some Tea Party Board members personally supporting one candidate or another and frequent references in news stories.
So let's make this clear. The Indian River Tea Party does not support Tony Donadio in the County Commission District 3 race. The Indian River Tea Party does not support Tim Zorc in the County Commission District 3 race.
That's It, period. May the best man win.

Speaking of the District 3 Commission race.
Every year in every campaign signs go missing. Candidates complain but generally there is nothing that can be done. Not this time.
The Zorc campaign is being target directly in the sign war. More than 50% of the signs are missing costing thousands of dollars. 
One Zorc sign in particular. A sign in Scott Stradley's yard on 14th ave. Thieves crossed over the fence at Mr. Stradley's to steal and damage Zorc signs that were placed there with permission. The police came to investigate and have deemed the theft a burglary, felony burglary. A police report was filed and they are looking for the people stealing property and where they are taking the 4 foot by 4 foot signs and wooden supports.
Democrat Donadio?

I have been told that some are saying that Tony Donadio is a fake Republican. Others say he is a real Republican that was registered as a Democrat but did not vote for Democrats. Here is the proof that should make it perfectly clear.

This is the voting log from the Supervisor of Elections. It shows that Mr. Donadio voted in the Democrat primary where only Democrats were on the ballot in 1994, 1996, twice in 2000, 2002, 2004, 2008 Presidential preference primary for President Obama or Hillary Clinton and 2010.

Friday, September 21, 2012


This was the week when all of the masks were removed...

Wilson: 1. Tony Donadio. The first Indian River Democrat Commissioner in 25 Years?

Read the full story here
Tony Donadio was the guest of the Indian River Democrat Party on Tuesday. People in attendance report that he was welcome as "A Democrat at heart" and "He had to be a Republican so he could get elected". The Democrat Chairman voiced his support for Donadio in this article.

2. Republican Party or Tea Party?

Republican executive Committee members remained firm in their support for Republican primary winner Tim Zorc but some longtime Republican leaders tried their best to slip former Democrat Tony Donadio by as "just as Republican"

Read the full story here
They did not mention that Donadio was going to be the guest of honor at "Democrats Meet Tony Donadio Night" four days later. Or that Donadio could win with Republican and Tea Party backing and walk down the next day and switch back to being a Democrat becoming the first Democrat to serve on the Commission in 25 years. Donadio would immediately become the Democrat standard bearer able to appoint multiple Democrats to important committees, assist Democrat fund raising events and be the Democrat point person for federal appointments from Indian River County.

Donadio who has supported Democrats and voted in the 2008 presidential preference primary for either Obama or Hillary Clinton switched from Democrat to Republican in April. He was recruited by a group of high rollers serving on the Board of the Tea Party and the Chamber of Commerce. The 32963 article quotes Donadio supporter and Tea Party leader Chuck Mechling.

The real story behind the entire thing is the entry of the Tea Party into local politics. Tea Party loyalists who are concerned about taxes healthcare and a new direction for the country are being dragged into a local dispute caused by legal difficulties surrounding Point West which coincidently was the subject of a major foreclosure this week.

Zorc and Mechling used to be partners until Zorc left three years ago in 2009. "I didn't like what I saw", said Zorc. There is no telling what they have done in the last three years since I left the Company. Zorc's departure is shown in Florida Division of Corporation documents.

3. The Indian River Neighborhood Association

The IRNA revealed its Achilles heel before the Vero City Council on Tuesday night.

IRNA's parade of usual suspects appeared to demand a referendum on Vero Electric. A throwback to the IRNA's efforts to get Charter government in Indian River County they wanted the "people to vote". Or did they?

Councilwoman Tracy Carroll asked Carmen if the IRNA members had voted on their official decision to require another referendum. Carmen replied that they had not.

Carroll then asked why they wanted the City Council to have a referendum when they themselves had no vote of its members. Carmen said "I am the spokesperson and how we reach decisions is none of your business".


Wheeler: Unfortunately I have to agree with Charlie Wilson on this one.  So no further comment is neccessary.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Five Lemmon Flavored Doughnut Holes to fill while waiting for Gary Wheeler to head to 10-A-Sea.

Wilson: A Treasure Lost: Harry Bolwell
The passing of one of Indian River County's true unsung heroes cannot go unnoticed. Indian River Hospital Board Trustee Harry Bolwell was a true treasure. He single handedly built the Gifford Clinic and contributed to the health and welfare of all Indian River County citizens.
I worked with him during the decision to renew the Hospital lease. He was fair minded and insightful. I am honored to have known him. There are serious issues now before the Hospital Board. It would be crass to even discuss them at the same time as remembering Mr. Bolwell so we will table that discussion to another time. Let it be said that Mr. Bolwell made the world a better place. It will be next to impossible to fill his shoes.

The Split
Efforts by several Republican leaders with strong allegiance to Tea Party organizers to convince the Republican Executive Committee that former Democrat Tony Donadio was on an even footing with Republican Primary winner Tim Zorc fell on deaf ears Wednesday night. Zorc received the overwhelming support of executive committee members as well as a commitment for financial support.
"Mr. Zorc is the Republican nominee and will receive the backing of the Republican Party" said R.E.C. Chairman Tom Lockwood. "You may support Mr. Donadio personally if you wish but you will be in violation of your oath and must resign," Lockwood concluded.
"Don't get excited if you see Donadio use the Republican name in signs and ads", said Karl Zimmerman who is retiring as Republican State Committeeman, but that did not sit well with his Republican members.
Donadio is a lifelong Democrat who switched parties in April to run as a Republican. Donadio has a history of supporting liberal Democrats and voted in the Democrat presidential primary in 2008 for Obama or Hillary Clinton.
Despite Donadio's personal appeal, he is the odds on favorite to lose to lifelong Republican Tim Zorc who will then replace Gary Wheeler on the Commission.

Baird in Charge
A little behind the scenes fireworks at the Commission. Seems responsibility for supervising their own assistants has been transferred from individual Commissioners to County Administrator Joe Baird. We'll see how long that lasts. Joe Baird is not well known for his negotiation and people skills.

City Council races should require uniforms this year as the 7 way race for three Council seats heats up. There are three Council Candidates that favor a sale: Turner, Fletcher and Stump. The two that oppose a sale are Kramer and Thomas. One, Brian Heady that has been for it, but may now be wavering and one who is unknown.
The race is pretty clear. For the sale Turner, Fletcher and Stump. Kill the sale Kramer, Thomas and one of the other two take your chances.

Blog Game
We have a new Board Game. It is called blogger profiling. A cross between Clue and Criminal Minds, we take one of the TC Palm bloggers each week. We print out the history of blogs and develop clues. Much like Clue, by process of elimination we guess the real Bloggers name. Then a week later we compare notes and clues to see who it is.
We have already identified several IRNA members, firefighter union members, a State Attorney employee, wives of office holders, City electric employees, and we think all of the six old grouches from Sebastian. Once confirmed we plan to publish profiles and excerpts from some on their previous posts. Funny how people will write some pretty awful things when they are anonymous. Wonder what it will be like when people see who they really are and what they really said.
If you want to play just email us at and we will put you on the list. This weeks subject "Truth Always Hurts". Good Luck.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Fort Pierce commissioners choose Bradshaw as city manager.

Wheeler: As far as commenting of the Vero Beach City Elections, I just have to ask myself two questions.  1. Why so much interest there and so LITTLE for the Indian River County Commission?  2. Why isn't Bea Gardner running for City Council? Oh yea, I forgot she doesn't live in the City of Vero Beach. 
If the city has another referendum I would hope that the 60% customer base that lives outside the City would be able to vote also. 
They pay a lot of the bills for the City with the higher electric rates and receive none of the benefits.  There is the argument that FPL customers have no say in that electric company either, but that is false.  You have the right to buy stock and share in the risk and the profit.  That’s the American way or at least it used to be before governments started trying to protect all of us from ourselves.  Oh but I digress.  Sorry.  As Rhett Palmer's song says "I'm so sick of Politics".

Wilson:If you thought politics was rough in Indian River take a look at Ft. Pierce. Here are some exerts from blog post after former Indian River Shores City manager Robert Bradshaw received the support of the three white Commissioners over the objection of the two black Commissioners.

01MAYOR writes: Look at all the crime we have in the black community it is beacuse we are being oppressed in this town.We can never win one vote to favor the black community for anything we need or want,we are oppressed people having oppressed children they grow up as a product of oppression and they do what they are design and programed to do "Genocide" the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group
Concerned Citizens United will stand up for the black Community and any other community that is being disadvantage. Signed, Chris Williams

01MAYOR writes: We need another black commissioner in fort pierce we are disadvantage everywhere we turne.This is chris Williams for all who may be wondering now im using the race card because thats what it is.We will see what the feds think about the racist bastards downtown.
Concerned Citizens United will fight to create another black commissoner's seat in dist. 1, because the dist. is to big frist of all for just two. We already have a foothold with the gangs in the street we go out and try to mentor them by trying to get them out of the gangs when nobody else has the balls to do it.We are talking with the feds about the race problem we have in the city of fort pierce.just be on the look out city hall beware!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Christophe r Williams






Or My Favorite!

01MAYOR writes: It Ain't no fun when the rabbits got the gun.
Note: Chris Williams ran for Mayor of Ft. Pierce in the August primary. Makes Vero Beach look pretty tame doesn't it?

Round Up the Usual Suspects! You can count on them like clockwork. A well known parade. Bea Gardner, Honey Minuse, The Indian River Neighborhood Association, Unions, here's your sign Ken Daige. It's A revival of Charter Government, referendum on anything they don't agree on. How does the small minority keep the overwhelming majority from moving forward? Keep demanding another vote and wish for a different outcome. Enough Already!
Vero Beach Filing Deadline Approaches.
Speaking of Vero City Council. Today at 5 was the filing deadline for City candidates for the November election. Qualified are in the order that was given to me via email from Tammy Vock:  Craig Fletcher, Brian Heady, Pilar Turner, Dan Stump, Karen Kozdra, Jay Kramer& Nick Thomas. 

No, we aren't abandoning the blog.

Today's regularly scheduled post is being postponed until after 5pm today. The Authors of this blog are waiting for the final filings for the Vero Beach City Council.